Project News


New paper & Dataset: Quantifying annual spatial consistency in chick-rearing seabirds to inform important site identification

Fellow Martin Beal led a new paper that investigates the importance of analysing individual movement data over spatial multiple years for informing area-based conservation measures at sea for seabird species. They brought together tracking data from 23 species across 7 families, with at least 10 birds tracked in 3 or more years at each population, during the chick-rearing period. The good news are that one or two year of data are already very informative. Continue reading “New paper & Dataset: Quantifying annual spatial consistency in chick-rearing seabirds to inform important site identification”


Bravo to Carmen Soria, for her Postdoc position in Prague

Congratulations to Carmen Soria for her new postdoc position at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague! She has joined the MOBI lab – Modelling of Biodiversity Laboratory – led by Dr. Petr Keil, where she will be developing and testing models to estimate biodiversity change across space, time, and their scales as part of the BEAST ERC project. Continue reading “Bravo to Carmen Soria, for her Postdoc position in Prague”


New collaboration: Biodiversa+ GaP project

The Inspire4Nature project has formally ended, but some of the collaborations it has fostered will live on through Biodiversa+ GaP project “Guiding expansion of protection under the EU Biodiversity Strategy: Threatened species and novel methods for Key Biodiversity Area identification”. Continue reading “New collaboration: Biodiversa+ GaP project”


New paper & Dataset: Connectivity between countries established by landbirds and raptors migrating along the African–Eurasian flyway

Fellow João Guilherme led a study that reviewed tracking data to show how countries along the Afro-Palearctic Migratory Flyway are connected by long distance movements of of landbirds & raptors. The study shows current state of knowledge and identifies priorities for future studies to fill knowledge gaps. Continue reading “New paper & Dataset: Connectivity between countries established by landbirds and raptors migrating along the African–Eurasian flyway”


João Guilherme interviewed by BirdLife Magazine

The latest issue of BirdLife Magazine includes a full-page interview with fellow João Guilherme, regarding his  recent publication  exploring the migratory pathways of  birds along the African-Eurasian flyway, and how their epic journeys connect countries.

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Inspire4Nature fellow Marie-Morgane Rouyer at the COP15

The United Nations Conference on Biodiversity (COP15), currently ongoing in Montreal, brings together governments from around the world to agree on a new set of targets for nature over the next decade, through the Convention on Biological Diversity’s post-2020 framework process. Inspire4Nature (ex-)fellow Marie-Morgane Rouyer is participating in the COP15 as part of the Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN).

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New paper & Dataset: Area of Habitat maps for the world’s terrestrial birds and mammals

Fellow Maria Lumbierres led the production of Area of Habitat maps for 5,481 terrestrial mammal and 10,651 terrestrial bird species, in collaboration with fellows Prabhat Raj Dahal and Carmen Soria. These maps, now available to the research and conservation communities, will prove invaluable to guide conservation planning and monitoring. The authors then used these Area of Habitat maps to produce global maps of the species richness of mammals, birds, globally threatened mammals and globally threatened birds.


Lumbierres, M., Dahal, P.R., Soria, C.D., Di Marco, M., Butchart, S.H.M., Donald, P.F., Rondinini, C. (2022) Area of Habitat maps for the world’s terrestrial birds and mammals. Scientific Data 9, 749 (2022). Access repository

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Bravo to Konstantina Spiliopoulou, awarded a PhD

Congratulations to Inspire4Nature fellow Konstantina Spiliopoulou, who successfully defended today her PhD thesis on “Tracking changes in protection of Greek Key Biodiversity Areas”. Following a public defense, the PhD degree was awarded with Distinction by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

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Congratulations to João Guilherme, awarded a PhD

Bravo to Inspire4Nature fellow João Guilherme, for having been awarded a PhD degree by the University of Montpellier! He presented and defended today his PhD thesis on Informing conservation of African-Eurasian migratory landbirds, raptors, and storks using tracking data.

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Presentations at the 15th Pan-African Ornithological Congress

Fellow João Guilherme is participating in the ongoing 15th Pan-African Ornithological Congress, were he has given not one but two talks: Using tracking data to identify areas of importance for the conservation of African-Eurasian migratory landbirds, raptors and storks, and International cooperation links revealed by migratory landbirds and raptors tracked along the African-Eurasian flyway.

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