Bravo to Inspire4Nature fellow Shawn Dove, who has successfully defended his PhD at University College London with his research thesis on Improving the robustness and reliability of population-based global biodiversity indicators.
This PhD project was a collaboration between University College London (supervisor: David Murrel) and the Zoological Society of London (Robin Freeman, Mike Hoffmann, Monika Bohm).
You can already get a preview of Shawn’s research on using distance measures to compare time series in ecology in this preprint:
Dove, S., Böhm, M., Freeman, R., Jellesmark, S., and Murrell, D. (preprint) A user-friendly guide to using distance measures to compare time series. BioRxiv. doi:
Shawn also contributed to a study led by Inspire4Nature fellow Sean Jellesmark assessing the global impact of targeted conservation actions on species abundance:
Jellesmark, S., Blackburn, T.M., Dove, S., Geldmann, J., Visconti, P., Gregory, R.D., McRae, L., Hoffmann, M. (preprint) Assessing the global impact of targeted conservation actions on species abundance. BioRxiv. doi:
(photo: From left to right: Examiners Tim Blackburn & Colin Harrower; Shawn Dove; supervisor David Murrell)