Fellow Martin Beal did an online presentation entitled Albatrosses & large petrels on 5th May 2021 during the World Seabird Twitter Conference. He presented the results of his first thesis chapter. His work provides evidence base for countries to pursue effective international collaborations safeguard the ocean.
Come and read more in Martin’s Twitter thread below.
[Oral presentation] Beal, M (2021) Albatrosses & large petrels, World Seabird Twitter Conference, online
1/4 #albatrosses and large #petrels are among world’s most-threatened #biodiversity. They are also among the most spectacular travellers in the animal #queendom, crossing hemispheres, ocean basins and circumnavigating #motherearth! #ConsSesh1 #WSTC7 pic.twitter.com/ksojp0PkXC
— Martin Beal (@SeabirdStudent) May 5, 2021