Inspire4Nature fellow Gonzalo Albaladejo presented an E-poster entitled Vertebrate fast and slow species response to spatial heterogeneity during the British Ecological Society annual meeting that took place in Belfast (Northen Ireland) from 10th to 13th of December 2019. Gonzalo presented a method to integrate life-history theory into species distribution modelling, using the theory of Island Biogeography as a bound mechanism between spatial heterogeneity due to land-use and life-history strategies respond to it. This new approach will serve to better understand the response of biodiversity to global changes from a functional perspective.
[E-Poster] Albaladejo, G., Newbold, T., Freeman, R. & Böhm, M. (2019) Vertebrate fast and slow species response to spatial heterogeneity. British Ecological Society Annual Meeting 2019. Belfast, United Kingdom.
Link to the E-Poster