Fellow Marie-Morgane Rouyer was invited to present her work at the 10th meeting of the RESOM group (Réseau National Oiseaux Marins). This meeting, organised by the Office français de la biodiversité, the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle and the Groupement d’intérêt scientifique oiseaux marins, took place on the 9-10 March 2022, in Port Camargue, France.
[Invited oral presentation] Rouyer M.-M., Bhola N., Clark B., Pearmain L., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Dias M. (2022) Les Aires Marines Protégées sont-elles aux bons endroits pour conserver les oiseaux marins migrateurs ?, 10th meeting of the RESOM group, Port Camargue, France.