Fellow Matt Ford published Freshwater Fish Distribution in the Maghreb: A Call to Contribute.
In order to update the IUCN Red List of all freshwater fish species inhabiting the Maghreb region, comprehensive knowledge of their respective geographic ranges is essential. Here we present site-scale distribution records derived from all known sources for native and alien freshwater fish species distributed in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia. Corrected data compiled from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility plus author contributions and digitised literature data are presented as GIS maps, and the wider scientific and conservation communities are called upon to help fill knowledge gaps and maximise the value of this new database for a region in which freshwater biodiversity is undergoing a serious decline.
Ford, M., Brahimi A., Baikeche, L., Bergner, L., Clavero, M., Doadrio, I., Lopes-Lima, M., Perea, S., Yahyaoui A., Freyhof, J. (2020) Freshwater Fish Distribution in the Maghreb: A Call to Contribute. OSF Preprints. 10.31219/osf.io/kx4gc –> Open Access Repository
(Figure from the document, no changes were made)