Inspire4Nature End-of-Action Meeting

All good things must come to an end, and the Inspire4Nature project will formally finish on the 31st of August 2022. Our final project meeting took place on the 5th July 2022 (remotely), combining the End-of-Action Meeting and a 5th Extraordinary Meeting of the Supervisory Board.

We reviewed the situation with each fellow, reviewed progress in relation to project Milestones and Deliverables, and discussed the strategy for advancing our project Financial and Technical reports.


4th Inspire4Nature Supervisory Board Meeting

We had planned 4 Supervisory Board Meetings over the entire project, today we had the 8th! This was the 4th ordinary SB meeting, (in addition to 4 extraordinary meetings) and it had been predicted to take place during the summer in Kigali, Rwanda, associated with the International Conference on Conservation Science. Instead, it was again remote.  We sure miss meeting in person, but have to recognise that technology allowed us to keep in touch frequently. Very important, in this complicated period.

We discussed how each fellow is doing, now that they are getting progressively close to finishing their projects. Exciting but also stressful times! Also reviewed the 5th and final training session, upcoming deliverables and decided on next steps in the project.



3rd Inspire4Nature extraordinary Supervisory Board Meeting

A 3rd Extraordinary Meeting of the Inspire4Nature Supervisory Board took place on the 18th of January 2021, remotely. It was convened to monitor progress in the fellows’ training programme and discuss how plans are being readjusted to deal with the complications derived from the covid sanitary crisis. Continue reading “3rd Inspire4Nature extraordinary Supervisory Board Meeting”


2nd Inspire4Nature extraordinary Supervisory Board Meeting

The Supervisory Board of Inspire4Nature reconvened for a second extraordinary meeting on the 18th September 2020. Still impossible to meet in person, so again we met online.

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3rd Inspire4Nature Supervisory Board Meeting

The third (regular) meeting of the Inspire4Nature Supervisory Board took place on the 11th June 2020. We couldn’t meet in person in Marseille as planned, but we still had a full day of important discussions.
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3rd Inspire4Nature General Assembly

We were supposed to be in Marseille, we met online instead! Two days of brilliant presentations on the progress made by the Inspire4Nature fellows, with plenty of time for discussions.


Extraordinary Inspire4Nature Supervisory Board Meeting

Inspire4Nature’s Supervisory Board held an extraordinary remote meeting on the 20th April 2020 to discuss the effects of the ongoing covid19 pandemic on the project.

The Supervisory Board is the decision-making body governing the Inspire4Nature Consortium, responsible for the overall management and monitoring of the project. It is composed of one member of each participant organisation, as well as two representatives of the fellows as observers. This extraordinary meeting was convened to discuss how the ongoing covid19 epidemic is affecting the project, including effects on the fellows’ individual training programme and consequences for the project-wide training programme.