
[Inspire4Nature authors in bold, fellows underlined]

Published in peer-reviewed journals

Albaladejo-Robles, G., Böhm, M., & Newbold, T. (2023). Species life-history strategies affect population responses to temperature and land-cover changes. Global Change Biology, 29, 97-109. Open Access Repository

Amano, T., […] Rouyer, M. et al (2021) Tapping into non-English-language science for the conservation of global biodiversity. PLoS Biology 19(10): e3001296. Access repository

Beal, M., Catry, P., Phillips, R. A., Oppel, S., Arnould, J. P. Y., Bogdanova, M. I., Bolton, M., Carneiro, A. P. B., Clatterbuck, C., Conners, M., Daunt, F., Delord, K., Elliott, K., Fromant, A., Granadeiro, J. P., Green, J. A., Halsey, L., Hamer, K. C., Ito, M., Jeavons, R., Kim, J.-H., Kokubun, N., Koyama, S., Lane, J. V., Lee, W. Y., Matsumoto, S., Orben, R. A., Owen, E., Paiva, V. H., Patterson, A., Pollock, C. J., Ramos, J. A., Sagar, P., Sato, K., Shaffer, S. A., Soanes, L., Takahashi, A., Thompson, D. R., Thorne, L., Torres, L., Watanuki, Y., Waugh, S. M., Weimerskirch, H., Whelan, S., Yoda, K., Xavier, J. C., Dias, M. P. (2023). Quantifying annual spatial consistency in chick-rearing seabirds to inform important site identification. Biological Conservation 281: 109994.

Beal, M., Dias, M.P., Phillips, R.A., Oppel, S., Hazin, C., Pearmain, E.J., Adams, J., Anderson, D.J., Antolos, M., Arata, J.A., Arcos, J.M., Arnould, J.P.Y., Awkerman, J., Bell, E., Bell, M., Carey, M., Carle, R., Clay, T.A., Cleeland, J., Colodro, V., Conners, M., Cruz-Flores, M., Cuthbert, R., Delord, K., Deppe, L., Dilley, B.J., Dinis, H., Elliott, G., De Felipe, F., Felis, J., Forero, M..G., Freeman, A., Fukuda, A., González-Solís, J., Granadeiro, J.P., Hedd, A., Hodum, P., Igual, J.M., Jaeger, A., Landers, T.J., Le Corre, M., Makhado, A., Metzger, B., Militão, T., Montevecchi, W.A.,  Morera-Pujol, V., Navarro-Herrero, L., Nel, D., Nicholls, D., Oro, D., Ouni, R., Ozaki, K., Quintana, F., Ramos, R., Reid, T., Reyes-González, J.M., Robertson, C., Robertson, G., Romdhane, M.S., Ryan, P.G., Sagar, P., Sato, F., Schoombie, S., Scofield, R.P., Shaffer, S.A., Shah, N.J., Stevens, K.L., Surman, C., Suryan, R.M., Takahashi, A., Tatayah, V., Taylor, G., Thompson, D.R., Torres, L., Walker, K., Wanless, R., Waugh, S.M., Weimerskirch, H., Yamamoto, T., Zajkova, Z., Zango, L., Catry, P. (2021) Global political responsibility for the conservation of albatrosses and large petrels. Science Advances 7, eabd7225. Access Repository

Beal, M., Oppel, S., Handley, J., Pearmain, E.J., Morera‐Pujol, V., Carneiro, A.P.B., Davies, T.E., Phillips, R.A., Taylor, P.R., Miller, M.G.R., Franco, A.M.A., Catry, I., Patrício, A.R., Regalla, A., Staniland, I., Boyd, C., Catry, P., Dias, M.P. (2021) track2KBA: An R package for identifying important sites for biodiversity from tracking data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Access repository

Cazalis, V., Princé, K., Mihoub, J.-B., Kelly, J., Butchart, S.H.M. & Rodrigues, A.S.L. (2020) Effectiveness of protected areas in conserving tropical forest birds. Nature Communications 11, 4461. Open Access Repository

Chowdhury, S., Gonzalez, K., Aytekin, M. Ç. K., Baek, S.-Y., Bełcik, M., Bertolino, S., Duijns, S., Han, Y., Jantke, K., Katayose, R., Lin, M.-M., Nourani, E., Ramos, D. L., Rouyer, M.-M., Sidemo-Holm, W., Vozykova, S., Zamora-Gutierrez, V., & Amano, T. (2022). Growth of non-English-language literature on biodiversity conservation. Conservation Biology, e13883. Access Repository

Dahal, P.R., Lumbierres, M., Butchart, S.H., Donald, P.F. and Rondinini, C. (2022). A validation standard for Area of Habitat maps for terrestrial birds and mammals. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 15, 5093–5105. Access Repository

Ford, S.A., Jepsen, M.R., Kingston, N., Lewis, E., Brooks, T.M., MacSharry, B., Mertz, O. (2020) Deforestation leakage undermines conservation value of tropical and subtropical forest protected areas. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29, 2014-2024. Open Access Repository

Ford, S.A. Persson, J., Jepsen, M.R., Mertz O. (2022) Sociopolitical drivers and environmental outcomes of protected-area downgrading and degazettement in Cambodia. Regional Environmental Change 22, 114. Access Repository

Grace, M.K., Akçakaya; H.R., Bennett, E.L., Brooks, T.M., et al (Ford, M.) (2021) Testing a global standard for quantifying species recovery and assessing conservation impact. Conservation Biology. Access Repository

Guilherme, J.L., Jones, V.R.,  Catry, I., Beal, M., Dias, M.P., Oppel, S., Vickery, J.A., Hewson, C.M., Butchart, S.H.M., Rodrigues, A.S.L. (in press) Connectivity between countries established by landbirds and raptors migrating along the African-Eurasian flyway. Conservation Biology. Access repository

Holenstein, K., Simonson, W.D., Smith, K.G., Blackburn, T.M., Charpentier, A. (2021) Non-native species surrounding protected areas influence the community of non-native species within them. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 625137. Access Repository

Jellesmark, S., Ausden, M., Blackburn, T.M., Gregory, R.D., Hoffmann, M., Massemino, D., McRae, L., Visconti, P. (2021) A counterfactual approach to measure the impact of wet grassland conservation on UK breeding bird populations. Conservation Biology 35, 1575-1585. Access Repository

Jellesmark, S., Ausden, M., Blackburn, T.M., Hoffmann, M., McRae, L., Visconti P. & Gregory, R.D. (2023) The effect of conservation interventions on the abundance of breeding waders within nature reserves in the United Kingdom. Ibis, 165, 69-81. Access repository

Jung, M., Dahal, P.R., Butchart, S.H.M., Donald, P.F., De Lamo, X., Lesiv, M., Kapos, V., Rondinini, C., Visconti, P. (2020) A global map of terrestrial habitat types. Scientific Data 7, 256. Open Access Repository

Lumbierres, M., Dahal, P.R., Di Marco, M., Butchart, S.H.M., Donald, P.F., Rondinini, C., (2021) Translating habitat class to land cover to map area of habitat of terrestrial vertebrates. Conservation Biology 36 e13851. Access repository

Lumbierres, M., Dahal, P.R., Soria, C.D., Di Marco, M., Butchart, S.H.M., Donald, P.F., Rondinini, C. (2022) Area of Habitat maps for the world’s terrestrial birds and mammals. Scientific Data 9, 749 (2022). Access repository

Newbold, T; Adams, G; Albaladejo Robles, G; Boakes, E; Chapman, A; Etard, A; et al (2019) Climate and land-use change homogenise terrestrial biodiversity, with consequences for ecosystem functioning and human well-being. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences , 3: 207-219. Access repository

Patrício, A. R., Beal, M., Barbosa, C., Diouck, D., Godley, B. J., Madeira, F. M., Regalla, A., Traoré, M. S., Senhoury, C., Sidina, E., & Catry, P. (2022). Green Turtles Highlight Connectivity Across a Regional Marine Protected Area Network in West Africa. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9. Access Repository.

Persson, J., Ford, S., Keophoxay, A., Mertz, O., Nielsen, J.Ø., Vongvisouk, T. & Zörner, M. (2021) Large Differences in Livelihood Responses and Outcomes to Increased Conservation Enforcement in a Protected Area. Human Ecology 49, 597–616 (2021). Access Repository

Soria, C.D., Pacifici, M., Di Marco, M., Stephen, S.M., Rondinini, C., (2021) COMBINE: a coalesced mammal database of intrinsic and extrinsic traits. Ecology. Access repository

Spiliopoulou, K., Dimitrakopoulos, P.G., Brooks, T.M., Kelaidi, G., Paragamian, K., Kati, V., Oikonomou, A., Vavylis, D., Trigas, P., Lymberakis, P., Darwall, W., Stoumboudi, M.Th. & Triantis K.A. (2021) The Natura 2000 network and the ranges of threatened species in Greece. Biodiversity and Conservation 30, 945–961. Access Repository

Books & book chapters

Cuadros Casanova, I.C., Rondinini, C. (2021) Conserving mammals. Pp 228-256 In: The Economics of Sustainable Food, Ed: N. Batini, Washington DC: Island Press. ISBN: 9781642831610Open Access Repository

Freyhof, J., Bergner, L. & Ford, M. (2020) Threatened Freshwater Fishes of the Mediterranean Basin Biodiversity Hotspot: Distribution, extinction risk and the impact of hydropower. EuroNatur and RiverWatch. i-viii + 1-348. Access Repository

Spiliopoulou, K., Brooks, T., Butchart, S. H.M., Plumptre, A. J. (2021). Implementing and Monitoring Global Biodiversity Targets and Sustainable Development Goals. In: Key Biodiversity Areas, pp. 146-152. CEMEX & Earth in Focus Inc., British Columbia Canada. → Open Access Repository (full book available here).

Starnes, T. & Spiliopoulou, K. (2021) Key Biodiversity Areas. In: T. Starnes & W.R.T. Darwall (eds.) Identification and validation of Western African freshwater Key Biodiversity Areas, pp 102-122. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. Access Repository


Ford, M., Brahimi A., Baikeche, L., Bergner, L., Clavero, M., Doadrio, I., Lopes-Lima, M., Perea, S., Yahyaoui A., Freyhof, J. (2020) Freshwater Fish Distribution in the Maghreb: A Call to Contribute. OSF Preprints. 10.31219/ Access Repository

PhD Theses defended

Albaladejo-Robles, G. (2022) Understanding how terrestrial vertebrate life-history strategies shape responses to climatic seasonality and landscape heterogeneity. PhD Thesis. University College of London, London, UK. → Open Access Repository

Beal. M.S. (2021) Identifying Marine Key Biodiversity Areas Using Tracking Data. PhD Thesis. ISPA – Instituto Universitário, Lisboa, Portugal. → Open Access Repository

Dahal, P. R. (2022) Production and validation of Area of Habitat maps for terrestrial birds and mammals. PhD Thesis. Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy.→ Open Access Repository

Dove, S. (2022) Improving the robustness and reliability of population-based global biodiversity indicators. PhD Thesis. University College of London, London, UK.

Ford, S. (2022) Protected-Area Dynamics: Patterns, drivers, and environmental outcomes of changes in protected-area boundaries and designations. PhD Thesis. University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. → Open Access Repository

Guilherme, J.L. (2022) Informing conservation of African-Eurasian migratory landbirds, raptors, and storks using tracking data. University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France. → Open Access Repository

Holenstein, K. (2022) Permeability of European Protected Areas to Non-Native Species. PhD Thesis. University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France. → Open Access Repository

Jellesmark, S. (2022) Measuring the impact of conservation on species’ populations. PhD Thesis. University College of London, London, UK. → Open Access Repository

Lumbierres, M. (2022) Where will future Key Biodiversity Areas be identified? A modelling approach to focus efforts. PhD Thesis. Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy.→ Open Access Repository

Soria, C. (2022) Where will future Key Biodiversity Areas be identified? Projected effect of global change on species’ change in extinction risk. PhD Thesis. Sapienza Università di Roma, Rome, Italy.→ Open Access Repository

Spiliopoulou, K. (2022) Tracking changes in protection of Greek Key Biodiversity Areas. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece.→ Open Access Repository