
3rd Inspire4Nature General Assembly

We were supposed to be in Marseille, we met online instead! Two days of brilliant presentations on the progress made by the Inspire4Nature fellows, with plenty of time for discussions.


2nd Inspire4Nature General Assembly

The 2nd General Assembly took place on the 25-26 September 2019, bringing together the fellows and senior researchers. Each fellow presented about their individual research project, with plenty of time for debate!

This meeting was hosted by the Sapienza Università di Roma.


3rd Inspire4Nature Training Session

The 3rd Training Session – “Theory and practice of assessing species extinction risk” – trained fellows on the process of assessing species’ risk of extinction using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria.

The fellows first learned about the key concepts, categories and criteria in a IUCN Red List Assessor Training Workshop. They then applied their new knowledge and stills by participating in the IUCN Red List Assessment of Southern European Freshwater Fishes workshop, supporting experts in freshwater fishes coming from across Europe.

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2nd Inspire4Nature Training Session

The 2nd Training Session – “Theory and practice of identifying globally important sites for biodiversity conservation” – was dedicated to training fellows on the process of identifying Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs), using the Global Standard for the identification of KBAs.

Besides the 15 fellows, the session brought together external scientists specialised in different taxonomic groups of the Greek biota as well as KBA experts.  The programme included:

  • Criteria for identifying Key Biodiversity Areas, and guidelines for the implementation of the criteria and the delineation of KBA sites;
  • Background to the biodiversity, important sites and conservation areas of Greece;
  • A visit to a NATURA 2000 site in Rhodes Island;
  • A workshop on the practice of identifying KBAs for Greek species;
  • Fellows’ joint project work.

The training session took place from the 3-12 April 2019, at the beautiful Hydrobiological station of Rhodes (Greece), a historic landmark and a research unit of our host organisation, the Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR).


1st Inspire4Nature Training Session

The Inspire4Nature training sessions are cross-project opportunities to learn about key concepts related to the science-policy interface in biodiversity conservation, to develop new skills and for establishing collaborations between the fellows. The First Inspire4Nature Training Session took place from the 31st October to the 7th November 2018. The agenda covered:

  • The international biodiversity conservation organisations of Inspire4Nature
  • International biodiversity conservation: global and local perspectives
  • Two global conservation standards: Red List of Threatened Species and Key Biodiversity Areas
  • What does it actually mean to be an Inspire4Nature Fellow?
  • Webdesign in WordPress
  • Gender issues in research and in Inspire4Nature
  • Fellows’ project work

The meeting took place in Montpellier, France, hosted by the Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, a research unit of the CNRS and the University of Montpellier.


Inspire4Nature First General Assembly

The Inspire4Nature General Assembly brings together all the fellows and senior researchers. The first General Assembly took place on the 30th October 2018, with each fellow presenting him/herself and their individual PhD project.

The meeting took place in Montpellier, France, hosted by the Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, a research unit of the CNRS and the University of Montpellier.