
Bravo to Martin Beal for his Postdoc position at the University of Lisbon

Congratulations to Martin Beal, who is now a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Lisbon! He is compiling tracking and ringing data for several species of coastal waterbirds within the East Atlantic Flyway to map and quantify the connectivity of wetlands sites throughout migration. A great opportunity for applying the skills Martin developed during his PhD on identifying Marine Key Biodiversity Areas using tracking data, which was done in collaboration between ISPA – Instituto Universitário (supervisor: Paulo Catry) and BirdLife International (Maria Dias). Martin is now based at the Center for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (cE3c) of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon, supervised by Maria Dias and José Álves.

We wish Martin all the best in his personal and professional life!


Presentation: Identifying areas of importance for the conservation of African-Eurasian migratory birds

Fellow João Guilherme was an invited speaker at the CISO Day 2022, on the 19 November 2022. He presented his work on Identifying areas of importance for the conservation of African-Eurasian migratory birds using tracking data. Continue reading “Presentation: Identifying areas of importance for the conservation of African-Eurasian migratory birds”


Congratulations to Prabhat Raj Dahal for his upcoming postdoc at Yale University

Congratulations to Inspire4Nature fellow  Prabhat Raj Dahal for his upcoming postdoc position with Nyeema Harris at the Applied Wildlife Ecology Lab at the Yale School of the Environment. Starting early 2023, Prabhat will lead their geospatial work on habitat mapping of carnivores and movement data.
Great to know Prabhat will be able to put to good use all the skills and knowledge he developed in his PhD project on “Production and validation of Area of Habitat maps for terrestrial birds and mammals”, a collaboration between the Sapienza Università di Roma (supervisors: Carlo Rondinini) and BirdLife International (supervisor Paul Donald, collaborator Stuart Butchart). 
We wish Prabhat all the best in his personal and professional life!

Congratulations to Shawn Dove, awarded a PhD

Bravo to Inspire4Nature fellow Shawn Dove, who has successfully defended his PhD at University College London with his research thesis on Improving the robustness and reliability of population-based global biodiversity indicators.
This PhD project was a collaboration between University College London  (supervisor: David Murrel) and the Zoological Society of London (Robin Freeman, Mike Hoffmann, Monika Bohm).

Continue reading “Congratulations to Shawn Dove, awarded a PhD”

New paper: Sociopolitical drivers and environmental outcomes of protected area downgrading and degazettement in Cambodia

New publication by Inspire4Nature fellow Scott Ford sheds light on the ongoing downgrading, downsizing, and degazettement of Protected Areas in Cambodia. Associated with large-scale concessions, these events are already resulting in increasing levels of deforestation, with likely impacts of species only found in this region.

Ford, S.A. Persson, J., Jepsen, M.R., Mertz O. (2022) Sociopolitical drivers and environmental outcomes of protected-area downgrading and degazettement in Cambodia. Regional Environmental Change 22, 114. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-022-01968-2Open Access Repository

Continue reading “New paper: Sociopolitical drivers and environmental outcomes of protected area downgrading and degazettement in Cambodia”


New paper: Species life-history strategies affect population responses to temperature and land-cover changes

Fellow Gonzalo Albaladejo-Robles‘ new paper in Global Change Biology indicates that populations of fast-living species tend to decline in the face of landuse change, whereas slow-living species tend to increase, with complex interactions with climate change.

Albaladejo-Robles, G., Böhm, M., & Newbold, T. (2023). Species life-history strategies affect population responses to temperature and land-cover changes. Global Change Biology, 29, 97-109. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16454


Continue reading “New paper: Species life-history strategies affect population responses to temperature and land-cover changes”


Inspire4Nature logotype comes to life

A magnificent end-of-project gift by the fellows and supervisors to Ana Rodrigues (Scientific Coordinator): the Inspire4Nature logotype re-interpreted into a beautiful freshwater scene by the the talented illustrator Pedro Fernandes. Continue reading “Inspire4Nature logotype comes to life”


Inspire4Nature End-of-Action Meeting

All good things must come to an end, and the Inspire4Nature project will formally finish on the 31st of August 2022. Our final project meeting took place on the 5th July 2022 (remotely), combining the End-of-Action Meeting and a 5th Extraordinary Meeting of the Supervisory Board.

We reviewed the situation with each fellow, reviewed progress in relation to project Milestones and Deliverables, and discussed the strategy for advancing our project Financial and Technical reports.


New paper: A validation standard for area of habitat maps for terrestrial birds and mammals

Fellow Prabhat Raj Dahal led a paper (also co-authored by fellow Maria Lumbierres) in the Open Access journal Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, titled “A validation standard for area of habitat maps for terrestrial birds and mammals”. They develop a new standard validation method for area of habitat maps, and then apply it to validate thousands of maps for birds and mammals across the world. Key work to support IUCN Red List assessments!

Continue reading “New paper: A validation standard for area of habitat maps for terrestrial birds and mammals”


Congratulations to Gonzalo Albaladejo, awarded a PhD